Brain Scanning - Canada

CYPRESS INTERNATIONAL BIOTECHNOLOGY ---------------------------------------

Brain Scanning - Canada 

August 9, 2023


January 1, 2018 

Due to Havana Syndrome declassification publicly in 2016

All suspected potentially affected persons that may be connected to neurological technology 

Intervened & investigated 

We can scan your brain safely with no radiation to trace signals back to the GPS location of the neurological technology 

We will scan your brain to intervene & save your life & neautralize the threat of a location using your body as a tool while your held accountable for their actions 

Brain scanning technology that is detachable like safe EEG wirelessly



Canada. Beta testing program 

We are going to be utilizing safe brain scanning technology that identifies any wireless connection connected to a human beings body 

This voids any location from the ability to use a compromised persons body as a wireless drone robot puppet ventriloquist doll device locking in the consciousness to take partial to full vocal, physical & psychological control of the body 

Secret service agents in Canada will be using the technology coast to coast as they have been testing between January 1, 2018-August 10, 2023

GOAL & CAPABILITIES ---------------------------------

We want every Canadian Police vehicle outfitted with this technology & a neurological brain dNA network connected to each citizens citizenship card on a Federal level 

Your brain is scanned temporarily & memory reviewed using an advanced software metric system while human rights & international privacy laws are upheld

Thought, imagination & memory us scanned & reviewed to review all life cycle of experience's against law

POINTS OF ACCESS IN CANADA -------------------

Introduction to the mass use of this technology as standard practice 

Border Crossing locations - land

Airports - domestic & international 

Police Stations & Kiosks 


Courts - all Federal, Provincial & Territorial 

HUMAN EXPERT TEAMS ------------------------------

Medical Professional Teams 

Legal Professional Teams 

Intelligence Expert Teams 

11-25 HOURS REVIEW OF H.I.3 --------------------

Meta: Facebook 11-25 hours & Blogger pages description of the H.I.3 Case as a global standard in evaluations of people & groups 




Now with the detachable advanced EEG brain technology we extract an advanced copy of your memory in a digitally recorded effort which can be analyzed effectively by software & human expert teams 

Every physical movement & mental interaction is extracted & dissected in minutes 

Physical Evaluation

Psychological Evaluation

Your advanced medical & dental chart is connected to your Federal citizenship card is continually updated


Health - Dental check ups including brain scanning review to update your chart & profile 

LEGAL DEMERIT SYSTEM ----------------------------

Canadian laws

International laws 

Psychological Evaluation

Thought, imagination & memory 


Laws broken 

Ages 0-17, ages 18-100+

Intervention process 

Motivations & understanding

Counsel - re-education

Law administered with intervention practices to re-assimilate 


THREE ONTARIO LABS 1980'S-2023 - H.I.3


Every person that physically entered the three clusters of Ontario labs are wanted persons of interest for their involvement in the  

Past - present 24 hours rotational teams with volunteers 

Guests flown in & driven in 

Persons & groups connected & contacted banding together operating voluntarily & involuntarily 

Every person that operated with & at the three clusters of Ontario labs between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again 2012-2023 are being connected to Cypress International Biotechnology - Montreal neurological technology & under 24/7 monitor put through 1000 times 


Every non-Canadian interest caught needs to describe with everyone that operated with & at the three Ontario labs between 1980's-1999, 2000-2011 & again between 2012-2023 pertaining to the body & life Dr Nicolas R Bennett (Sydney)


Rothschild - Bennett 


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